Monday, October 31, 2011

The Taiter Monster

I have a three year old son. Which means I am constantly ready to pull my hair out. He is cute, he is loved, but he is a monster at three.

I know you are thinking to yourself, how could a face like this be a monster? Let me do a run down of what a normal day with Tait is like.

7:00 am - wake up demanding his morning chocolate milk
7:15 am - having a melt down that he cant find his shoes and wants his HUGE lightening mcqueen blanket for the car. in the mean time has since lost his sippy cup of chocolate milk
7:20 am - Bret getting him in the car
7:25 am - having another melt down over the fact his blanket has not been wrapped around his back and that the movie is not on. (I am driving to xing at this point)
7:30-8:20 am - somewhat watching the movie, throwing his sippy cup, hitting McKinley across Josie waking Josie up then pokes her until she starts crying
8:35 am - runs like a mad man into McKinleys school opens her locker and locks himself inside
8:40 am - needs to go to the bathroom, goes in the girls bathroom to get soap first, washes his hands than goes to the bathroom
9:00 - 10 am - at the gym (reprieve for mom)
10:05 am - yet another melt down over mom picking the wrong stamp for his hand
10:20 am - rumaging through the candy dish because he is "hungry"

Convo between the two of us

Mom: Tait, get out of the treats, are you hungry? I will cut you up an apple. Do you want an apple?
Tait: No, I want cheese crackers
Mom: How about crackers and an apple or grapes?
Tait: No, I want chocolate
Mom: No chocolate. How about an orange?
Tait: NO! I am hungry. I want a treat!
Mom: Sit at the table I will get you a snack

10:25 am - smashing is grapes in the table and throwing the rest on the floor, and then goes back into the treat bucket.
10:50 am - trying to find his shoes.
11:10 am - another trip inside McKinleys locker
12:00 pm - going to the bathroom and needs his bum wiped (I am feeding Josie) I tell him to wait a minute and he then proceeds to dump the whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet
12:10 pm - standing in the corner in time out singing the ABC's or I love to see the temple
12:12 pm - Mom explaining he needs to wait when I ask him to wait and not dump the whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet
12:15 pm - back to the treat bucket. Conversation above repeated only this time with suggestions for lunch
12:30 pm - eating lunch, wiping it all over the table, the chair, the floor, the wall. (Its no wonder he is always in the treat bucket. All his food ends up everywhere other than his mouth)
1:00-2:30 pm - play time which often includes arguements over toys, hitting, crayons on the walls, wrestling Mckinley and the dog, time outs and lots of I'm sorries
2:30 pm - another search for shoes
2:40 - 3:15 pm - another bout of somewhat watching the movie, throwing his sippy cup, hitting McKinley across Josie waking Josie up then pokes her until she starts crying
3:20-5:30 pm - NAP TIME
5:30 pm - dad is home now so he plays with dad
6:00 pm - another trip to the treat bucket
6:05 pm - Same coversation as above only this time about how dinner is almost ready and he can have a treat after dinner.
6:10 pm - Eating dinner. Another fit about not liking what was made and how he is hungry and wants a treat
6:35 pm - playing in the sink after helping with the dishes. Water is getting every where he is soaked and so is my kitchen
7:00 pm - after cleaning up the water mess, we run errands where he screams the whole time because he wants to walk. Bret usually gives in at some point and lets him down and he begins running all over the store and knocking things over and BEGS to go to the toy section. (really? WHY would I let you see the toys)
8:00- 8:30 getting ready for bed, in the bath splashing water everywhere.
8:30 pm - reading books where he is not paying attention, but poking his sisters, and doing circles on the floor like a dog chasing his tail
8:50 pm - Prayers. Now if this kid does not get to pray he talks or cries during the whole thing. Or his is pointing out spiders crawling up the walls, trucks driving by or whatever else he can think of.
9:00 pm - bed time. Which usually is another battle back and forth. I need a drink, I need to go to the bathroom, etc. We finally threaten him before he eventually falls asleep.

I try and think of ways to discipline this kid, but nothing is working. Time outs are pointless, taking toys away does nothing, even when he gets spanked (which I really dont do all that often) he laughs through. Someone PLEASE help me!!! I just might check myself into the mental hospital!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Life with three has been crazy! But it seems as if we finally have a routine... phew! I might actually spend time updating the blog while all three (yes, ALL three) of my children sleep away!
I LOVE this time of year. Fall is by far my favorite season. Here are a few of some of my other FAVORITE things.

Clorox wipes

Seriously, how did our mothers survive without these? I use them for every surface in my house, several times a day. I am a clorox wipe aholic!

Family Fun Magazine

I look forward to when this magazine arrives in the mail. I love to see all the creative things people do with their kids. One day I hope to be a cool mom like the ones in this magazine.


I love my ipod (which was recently lost, but has been found) I use it everyday during nap time. Cleaning my house, mowing the lawn, yard work outside and of course while I am at the gym (which I hope to make a more regular habit) Music makes me happy, a clean house makes me happy, My trusty little ipod bring these two things together!

boogie wipes

I thank my sister in law Robyn for introducing these to me. My little man has never not had a runny nose. These are great and dont make his little nose red! They come in a little package and I have them in the car, in the tahoe, in my bag, in the church bag! You can even buy them in bulk at Costco!


Honestly who doesnt love a house that smells good? Enough said.

Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy - stress relief body wash, scrub and lotion

At the end of the day I love this stuff. It smells minty fresh and while it might not relieve all my stress. It sure is nice to think about being stress free!