Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who Is Your Favorite?

Yesterday while we were in the car McKinley and I were talking. I would ask her to point to things we saw as we were driving and then I started the favorites questions... here is how the conversation unfolded

Mom: Kin is mom your favorite?

Kinley: YEAH

Mom: Is Tait your favorite?

Kinley: Yeah

Mom: Is dad your favorite?

Kinley: YEAH

Mom: Kin, who is your most favorite?

Kinley: (without any hesitation) DAD DAD DAD!!!

Ha! so there you have it.. Dad is her favorite.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Sun

Is anyone else enjoying the sun that we have been getting here in Utah? It seems like it has been years since we have seen the sun. Only in Utah after a cold winter do you see people out in shorts and capris on a 50 degree day. Anyway, I am LOVING it!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays

This weekend was full of excitement with the celebration of two big birthdays in our family. My mom turned 50 and McKinley is now 2!

Thursday was McKinley's birthday, although we didn't really do much for her on that day since dad had to work and we had lots of other things to do for Grandma Sally's 50th. But I decorated the house with balloons and made some little cupcakes for her. That morning we went to pick my aunt Julie up from the airport, who flew in from Arizona for my moms birthday. We went to lunch at 5 Guys and then headed home for nap time. After the kiddos woke up Bret was home and we ran some errands and then met everyone at Wingers for dinner.

Friday was my moms birthday and Bret had the day off. In the afternoon we headed out to my moms house and set up for her party then went to Cafe Rio for dinner. We had a good time at her party and enjoyed everyone that came. After the party was over my mom wanted to play musical chairs... no one was too thrilled at first but once we all got playing it was a BLAST. McKinley enjoyed it more than anyone I think!
Sunday, we had McKinley's party at Grandma Laura's house. She made her a BEAUTIFUL barbie cake and McKinley loved it! She kept saying "preeyey" (Pretty)

Before the party started Bret and Jayson would blow up the noisy balloons (I don't know the real name) and let them go and fly around the house. McKinley would scream and giggle at these balloons.

The families all got together and we enjoyed watching Kinley blow out the candles on her "earth cake" about 10 times, because she loved doing it so much.

We opened presents and ate cake.. it was a good time for everyone.

I seriously cannot believe that McKinley is already 2. I look back at how fast time flies by and I wish that I could just keep her little. She is so full of energy and happiness. She brightens my everyday and I could not even imagine my life with out her.

Happy Birthday Kinney!! We LOVE you!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle

Every night when I tuck McKinley into bed I sing to her. I like to switch it up a bit with the songs so that she isn't addicted to just one song. Little did I know that it doesn't matter how much mixing you do, little kids like certain songs and that is what you always end up singing.
McKinley's favorite song right now is twinkle twinkle little star. We sing it together every night and she now even does the actions with it. I wanted Bret to see how cute it was, so the other night I had him come in during singing time. She of course got stage fright in front of daddy and wouldn't do it. Last night, I was in the shower and Bret put the kids to bed. He started to sing Twinkle Twinkle to McKinley and she pointed her finger at him said "no, no, no... MOM".
Here is McKinley today at lunch doing the actions to Twinkle Twinkle, I still cannot believe that she did it.. but I am so glad she did so I could brag about how dang cute she is. Oh and don't mind the shoe that is on the table, they are her dress up princess shoes. She has to wear them EVERY WHERE!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Went to the dentist yesterday, my migraine is gone!! I have lost 9lbs since I have been sick, which is good, but bad because it's not the right way. Anyway, my body is pretty weak and I am WAY lightheaded. It seems to me that I am finally on the up and up!! HOORAY!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where I have been...

The couch. Last Tuesday I started having a severe migraine. Nothing has seemed to help and I have been unable to do pretty much anything, including sleep.
I went to the Dr Friday to see if there was anything that he could do. He gave me daily medication and additional pain killer to help me out. Plus a shot before I left.
Yesterday I went to the dentist to see if it was a tooth, come to find out I need a root canal and its very possibly the problem. I am supposed to go in on Thursday to get it done. I am thinking that I am going to call when they open and see if they can get me in today.
I am seriously loosing my mind, my house is a wreck and my poor kids miss their mom.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The tag!

Sorry Nicole that you had to remind me to do this tag. I am supposed to write six random facts about me. I have put much thought into this so hopefully some of these things are things you don't know about me.

1. I can fit my fist in my mouth. So I guess I have a big mouth in more than one way. When I had my interview to be an EFY counselor they asked everyone in the room to say one unique thing about them. Most people said I have been here or I have a bird that sings church songs. I was the second to the last one to say something about myself, and I told them this. Needless to say I must have stuck out because I got the job.

2. I have a younger sister that is 17 1/2 years younger than me. Anna was born September 12, 2001 (my senior year) and is a funny little girl. Spence and I were both in high school when my mom had her. I remember all these people telling my mom that they had a baby 10 years after their youngest so they understood. HA I doubt it, I was a senior and Spence was a sophomore. Even though at the time I was first, in shock and second, mad about it, I couldn't imagine our family without her. People who we hadn't seen or talked to in a long time thought that she was mine and that my parents adopted her.. but she is my mom and dads. My dad still brags about his swimmers still working. HAHA GROSS!

3. I LOVE pj's. I hardly ever wear normal clothes at home. I dress up to go out (sometimes), but the minute I walk in the door the first place I go is to change my clothes back into pj's. Bret actually has banned me from buying anymore pj pants. Although I still do secretly because I have so many pair as is that he wouldn't know whether they were new or not.

4. I really do have a celebrity crush on Zac Efron. I know that is dumb and that he is about 5 years younger than me. But after watching High School Musical 3 on the big screen I feel in love with his gorgeous eyes! Most people laugh when I tell them because it is such a teeny popper thing, but I really do think that he is WAY hot! Go ahead make fun of me, but secretly you think he is hot too. (its ok it can be our little secret)

5. I am obsessed with The Rio , aka Cafe Rio, and could eat there every night and never get sick of it. I crave it, I love it! In the last few months we have eaten there so often that Bret doesn't really like it anymore, yet I still crave it (no I am not pregnant). I love it so much that if I could I would open my own franchise of it so I could eat there for free!

6. I love my house being clean, but I hate folding laundry! I usually have no problem with getting the laundry done. i.e. From the dirty clothes bin to the washer and from the washer to the dryer. But once it is done drying, I never get it folded and always end up washing the clothes again. There are many times (usually on a daily basis) I end up running downstairs from the shower to get clean G's and clothes. It isn't usually until Bret gets sick of the clothes being downstairs in a huge heaping pile and brings it upstairs in the front room and drops it that it gets folded. He knows that way it will get folded because I hate the house being dirty. I always end up cussing him and waiting until the very end of the day to fold the clothes. Just so you know how true this really is, here is a picture of my front room, and a picture of the clean clothes from my basement right now.

Anyway, this tag was fun and I now tag 6 people... Heather O, Whitney, Kristie G, Robyn, Kateka, and Christy L

My little Taiter

Last night Tait and McKinley were watching Baby Einstein before bed. Tait has always LOVED these movies, but Kin is usually distracted after about 10 minutes (she is only 23 months) I was sitting on the couch next to Kin watching Tait on the floor. Tait was being so dang funny I had to record it. I used my cell phone to capture this moment, so its a little dark and blurry. I know that he is trying so hard to crawl, but this is just the best!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

Yesterday we had a great time at Brets mom and dads for the Superbowl. Jayson, Brets younger brother is a Steelers fan, so the family was all pretty excited to have them in the superbowl. I for one could have cared less who won, but was hoping for a good game. Which it turned out to be!! (Although, I do think that some of the officiating was horrible) It was fun to spend time with the fam and relax and enjoy some good grub. Thanks Nicole for the recipe for the hot wings, they were a hit!! Here are a few pictures from the game. McKinley and Ethan were so funny playing together and during half time they too were playing guitars and dancing to the music.