So I now have done this the last two years... why not make it 3? Here is a look back at 2009
Funnest Event:I think its the same as last year and that would be BYU games. This year was my very first in stadium BYU vs Utah game. Thanks Max and Andrew for making it a game that will go down in history forever!! Go Cougars!!
(taken on our way to BYU vs Utah game) Biggest purchase of 2009:Our Couch!! LOVE it!!!
Favorite movie of 2009:This was really hard for me to choose. It was such a great movie year it even made me think (or apply) to work at a movie theater just so I didn't have to pay to go see them. (if you ever want to hear that story, I will gladly tell you of the 4hrs I worked and wore the color purple. haha)
The Blind Side
G.I Joe
This is it
Least favorite movie of 2009:Knowing
Favorite celebrity for 2009:Micheal Jackson... his death brought back so many memories and is my top 2009 celebrity
Least favorite celebrity:Lady Gaga.. for some reason she really bugs me. She may be talented and I do like her music but she is WAY too out their for my liking.
Guilty Pleasure: Facebook
Diet Cherry Coke
Saddest moment of 2009: Bret being diagnosed with Diabetis.
Sickest moment of 2009:Other than sick kids and Taits gross always runny nose.. cant really think of anything else.
Favorite Song 2009:My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson... or pretty much that whole cd. Lets be honest though, if I could be her I would be!
Least Favorite Song 2009:Justin Beiber - on time. While I do kinda like the song, the music video pretty much ruined it. He is this 15 year old punk kid who thinks he is from the 'hood, who hasnt hit puberty that is singing about his #1 love. What the heck?
Achievements:losing 43lbs and keeping 38 of it off... I gained 5 lbs through the holidays. OOPS!!
4 years of marriage
1 Word for 2009 was:Demanding
1 Word for 2010 will be:reassuring
My hopes for next year:Maybe baby #3?
lose 43 more lbs
a house
Pay off debt (so far this will happen in March)