Saturday, July 26, 2008

Too Cute

I took this picture yesterday morning. I thought that it was super cute and that it would be a shame if I didn't post how cute my kids are.

Since I started pumping and giving Tate a bottle, McKinley has had time to interact with him more. She also is way into feeding him, even though it only lasts about 2 minutes. She is such big helper even at 17 months. She helps with giving him a bath, feeding, changing his diaper, and when he cries she goes running to help him find his binkie. Yesterday she even tried to get him out of his swing.. not good.. but way cute that she wants to help.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What a big helper. I have heard that most big sisters love helping their moms take care of the younger siblings...lucky for you, you had a girl first:) I promise I will post some pics soon. I haven't even taken any yet, I am awful. Sorry to keep you waiting for so you know how I felt when I was checking your blog EVERYDAY to see if you had little Tate yet. haha.