Now that the election is finally behind us, I just would like to take a few minutes and say a few things. Just to warn you this will be a very opinionated blog entry so if you get your feelers all in a ruffle because of something that I say, then i will advise you to stop reading now. I know that I will most likely get anonymous comments from people who are too afraid to show who they are that disagree with the things I am going to say. But whatever, this is my blog.
Obama for president? Are freaking kidding me? I cannot believe that the American people voted him in. Come on, he couldn't even be a member of the FBI or even a police officer for the US because of his association with known terrorists, but he now is the leader of our nation. It makes me sick! I do however have to say that his idea of "change" was a good selling point for him. I too, like many people, want to see change. I too, also think that the war in Iraq should be over. I also believe that something needs to be done about our economy. Obama's speeches have been nothing but far from outstanding. I too, agree with many things that he has said. Many things that he has said have hit home with me and my "middle class, Joe the plumber" family. But I personally, would NEVER vote for anyone with
any anti-Christ affiliation to be the President of our supposed God rearing country.
Because of teachings in the Book of Mormon and revelations and prophecies in the Bible, I know that eventually the world is going to come to an end. I do not believe that Obama is the reason that our Country is going to to go pot, like many other Latter-day saints do. (mom, I still love you) I believe that it is the people who live in the country who will bring it all to an end. I believe that this process began WAY before this election. But I do believe that Obama does bring us one step closer. And if that really is the case... i guess bring it on. We as Latter-day Saints have been told time and time again by the leaders of the Church that we are living in the last days. They have advised us of things that we need to do, ways we should be living our lives, the things we need to teach our children, etc. How many times have we heard, "If ye are prepared you shall not fear."? This should be bringing us all comfort, not fear. Yes, I am scared of the persecution and trails that my family and my friends families are going to have to face. But I also have be warned and taught by my parents and by the leaders of the Church that if I am living my life the way I should, repenting when I make mistakes, trying to live my life the best I possibly can, praying for my family and loved ones and teaching my children the true Gospel of Christ... In the end that is really all that matters.
Now as for proposition 8, I cannot stand other members of the church who can say that they voted against this proposition! I don't care if your neighbor, best friend, brother, sister, son or daughter is gay! Homosexuality is a sin! How can you honestly say that you sustain the leaders of our church and then go against them not advising but telling us to vote FOR the ban of Gay marriage. Last time I checked the leaders of our church get direct revelation from GOD, which means that GOD does not want legalized gay marriage. The foundation of our Church is about Families. How can you make a family if you are a man married to another man? or a woman married to another woman. God did not make Eve and Eve and Adam and Adam or Adam and Eve to have extra Eves and Adams just for more pleasure... at least last time I read about it in the Bible. Or has that changed? It cracks me up to hear the media finding these crazy people who claim to be faithful members of the church or members who are going to be X-d (one KSL report) who say that that the church's views are going to change on this. HA! You are going through excommunication... enough said. And to those other members of the church who are for gay marriage, can you honestly call yourself a faithful member of the church? by not agreeing or following one of the most important commandments of God? Why are we allowing others to step all over are beliefs for their own. So we don't offend anyone? It doesn't affect me so let them be? Give me a break. Do you realize that if the law was passed that the church's right to marry in the temple could be effected? That does affect me and it does affect my family and our future eternal well being. And I think that because of this every church member should be out there fighting for this ban. I feel deep sorrow for the members of the Church or others in Cali who have been victimized for voting for this ban. By vandalizing property and such these people are doing the very thing to others that they complain about being done to them. That for sure would not change my vote.
Needless to say this election it has opened my eyes quite a bit. More so in the fact that I as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, should not stand by the wayside and allow things things to happen. I need to stand up and fight for what I believe in, for what I know with my own conviction, is right and true. Now more than ever we as members need to stand unified and stand out as the peculiar people.