Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Nose hairs!

Ok for those of you who don't know, Bret is really self conscious about his hair... any hair, the hair on his head, facial hair... even nose hair. The night before his birthday this year he had a nose hair coming out of his nose that obviously was really long, he asked if I had a razor that he could stick up there in order to cut it... For obvious reasons I do not own such a razor. So he decided to be brave and tweeze it out. His eyes watered for what seemed like 20 minutes after getting rid of it.
This past weekend we spent some time with Brets family and his sister who is in beauty school (she only has 1 week left.. hooray) told him that she could wax his nose hairs for him. Now for those of us girls who wax, we know that it is not the most comfortable thing to do... and I for one would think that waxing your nose hairs would pretty much be the most painful thing ever! But Bret being the macho man that he is, said that he would do it. Mostly because we said that he was crazy for doing it. Anyway here are the pictures and video of the process... I couldn't help but post this... He is CRAZY!!! Did I mention that Jayson said that he would do it too... I think mostly because Bret was doing it. Check out the video to see what happens to Jayson, you'll think twice about waxing your nose hairs, thats for sure!


Heather O said...

that was awesome, thanks for sharing!

melynda said...

that was SO funny! i think every guy should do it!

Christy said...

That was pretty much the funniest thing I've seen in a while! Ouch!