Thursday, October 30, 2008

Suicide Watch

My dearest child McKinley is officially on suicide watch!

Here is a run down of this weeks attempts * caution do not attempt try these at home *

Monday - Suicide by electrocution

Here is what is left of the outlet

Three severely burn fingers later... the attempt failed.

Tuesday - Suicide by spider bite

This is the spider she tried to make her friend

ok this isn't really the spider she tried to make her friend, but it looks just like it. True story, I went to take a picture of it... and it was gone, which means it is somewhere in my house... eck!

Wednesday - Suicide by cleaners

This is the toothbrush that I use to get gunck out of small crevasses i.e., the oven, sinks, etc.

I found this gross toothbrush in her mouth... she was so proud to be brushing her teeth all by herself.

Thursday - Suicide by Car

She ran into the middle of the street today pushing her baby-doll in the stroller. As I start to run after her a car turned the corner and she began to run faster away from me. By the screaming coming from her when I caught her, I could tell she was very disappointed that this attempt of suicide failed. I, on the other hand, am happy that she is still alive!

Now that you all think that I am a horrible mother... pray that tomorrow she doesn't try something more drastic.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I HATE skinny people

well, this is just to update everyone on my weight loss and how it is all going. i have officially been a member of weight watchers for 1 month now. And I lost 8, gained 4, lost 2, and now have gained 5. Which puts me at almost the same weight I started. Granted I have not gone and weighed in for a while, mostly because I can't. I have two kids that are attached to my hip 24/7. The only places that are kid friendly are about 20 miles away from my house. I could go at night... but Bret is always at school or doing homework. I know that this might just sound like excuses, which they are. But it really doesn't make it any easier on me. And on top of all of that, even though I am never hungry.. I am SO sick of veggies I can't handle it. I look at skinny people with envy with the fact that they can eat pizza, chocolate, ice cream and all of those other wonderful foods and still remain small. I while watching them gain weight. Just thinking about it now, I am pretty sure that I am gaining weight. I wish that I could find a magic button that would just drop me like 50lbs!
I tried starting an exercise group in my ward, but no one showed. So this is to all my friends who stay home with their kids or who just want to loose weight.. lets start a exercise group. I know that we all live fairly close to each other and we can let our kids play together and we can all get into shape and enjoy each others company. Let me know what you all think...

Friday, October 24, 2008

8 Tags 8

Thanks Jo for this Tag! Funny thing this is my 8th tag for my blog too!


8 TV shows I love to watch:

Greys Anatomy, CSI, House , Ellen, American Idol, Law and Order SVU, Law and Order CI, (I love the crazy detective) and Psych

8 favorite restaurants

Cafe Rio, Los Harmones, Chili's, Wendy's, Del Taco, Subway, Tres Hombres, Applebee's.

8 things I did yesterday

Got gas for the car, bought keyless entry's for our new car!! (that will be a different post), worked, did dishes, played with my kids, tried to watch Iron Man for the 2nd time (still haven't watched longer than 5 mintues of it), watched Grey's, went to the bank

8 things I am looking forward to:

Bret finishing another semester, Tate crawling/being mobile, Kinley talking, Christmas, loosing weight, BYU vs Utah game, American Idol starting, Thanksgiving

8 things I love about THIS fall:

Not being Preggers for the first fall since the year we got married!!! McKinley's nose turning red after playing outside, Kinley's vocabulary (mom, mooy, meme, 'o, poppy, gma, gpa that its) Tate's smile whenever he sees me, the frost that is inside the pannels of my front windows in the morning, BYU football, having two kids, seeing my brother

8 things on my wish list:

lose more weight, to eat healthy and actually enjoy it, McKinley to really be able to communicate with me rather then point scream and whine, Bret to finish school, Spencer to figure things out, to be more active as a family, teach my children the gospel and have them live it, make a million $

8 people I tag: Janae, Kateka, Bret, Heather, Nicole, Tiffany, Chelsea, Robyn

Thursday, October 23, 2008

LuCkY mE!

Yes, I do know that it is 3:30 in the morning. But I couldn't help but not write about this moment, while it was happening.
This week Kinley has had a horrible cold. Because of her cold it has totally thrown off her sleeping schedule, what sleep she gets is very minimal, if at all. And because of this Bret and I have been suckers and let her sleep in our bed because her sleeping = mom and dad sleeping.
Well tonight she made it to our bed at a record time of 12:30. Since that time she has snuggled up next to Bret and fallen fast asleep.
Tate woke up for his night feeding and was making all sorts of noise and fuss while breastfeeding so I made him a bottle laid him down in my spot on the bed and fed him while I sat at the end of the bed looking at my cute family while holding his bottle.
As I sat staring at my cute husband and kids, I couldn't help but be thankful for such a great family. Lucky me

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok... now that my deep depression over the BYU vs. TCU game is almost gone, I figured that I would post Tate's birth announcement, but the silly thing wont post. I love this picture so i will just post this one.

Anyway for those of you who are family you will be getting them in the mail sometime soon. Along with an invitation to his blessing. We are blessing him on the 2nd of November, so for those of you who would like to come (friends included), you are welcome to join us for the blessing and good grub after.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Ah man! What can I say...


Well I hope that at least Utah can win the rest of their games... (except when they play the Cougars of course) to bust the BCS for the Mountain West Conference.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Edward Anyone?

Thanks Whitney for this link! I have to say that after reading all the Twilight books, I was fairly disappointed with the trailers I had seen of the movie. I honestly had no desire to go and see it. But after watching this trailer, I am for sure getting tickets!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Something in the Air!

This past week has been full of pretty exciting days. It must be that fall air. Fall is by far my favorite season.
Jayson turned 17 on the 2nd... Bret woke up and said I can't believe that Jayson is 17, that makes me... don't say it. haha I just laughed and told him he was old. For Jayson's birthday dinner we went to the Mayan. McKinley LOVED it. It was so fun to watch her get so excited over the divers. When they were done she was upset and wanted them to come back. Too cute.

Grandpa Jay and Kin watching the divers

Daddy and Kin

Birthday boy Jayson and Kinley
Its fun to see McKinley start to try and be so big. She now copies everything I do. It seriously makes me laugh. This morning I was shaving my legs and she of course wanted me to do it to her. When I fix dinner she has to be sitting on the counter next to me, helping with stirring or putting things in the pot. Her favorite thing to help with right now is making smoothies.

Making smoothies
When I vacuum the house she is right underneath me pushing the vacuum along. My favorite part of the day is in the morning. I hear her calling from her room.. "mom" long pause "mommy" When I walk in her room she is always so excited to see me and gives me a huge hug and then leans in so that I can kiss her. What a perfect start to everyday. She just started being interested in going potty on the big girl potty. She has really only actually gone maybe 3 times ever, but when she wants to sit there I let her. I am very excited for the day when I no longer have to change her stinky diapers.

Kinney on her potty
She is getting so big! And although I am the mom, I still think she is the cutest little girl ever!

Tate, is still practicing my patience, but still makes me smile.

This picture makes me laugh his eyes are so big!

On friday I surprised Bret with calling his boss and asking if he could have Friday afternoon off. I then picked him up and we went to the BYU vs. Utah State game. McKinley got to stay with grandma Sally, but because of how long we were going to be gone (I don't think not breastfeeding would have worked out so well for me) we took Tate with us. He was SO good!!! *sigh* I know that he already is a cougar fan because his favorite song that I sing to him right now is the Cougar Fight song. I will have to video tape it and post it on here... it seriously is a crack up how much he loves that song. He slept through most of the game, I think we need to take him out more often if that is how great of a baby he is.

Gotta love how cute this picture is, sporting his Y shirt.

He too, is getting SO big. His favorite new place is his bumbo. If I could figure out how to download my pictures from my phone to my computer I would post the the picture of him with a HUGE smile sitting in that silly chair. Babies grow up way to fast.. even if they are cranky buggers.

On a different note, since the 26th of September I have now officially lost 8lbs!!! WAHHOOO!!! Oh and I cut my hair OFF. I really like it, I will post picutres of it as soon as I get one.