Thursday, October 30, 2008

Suicide Watch

My dearest child McKinley is officially on suicide watch!

Here is a run down of this weeks attempts * caution do not attempt try these at home *

Monday - Suicide by electrocution

Here is what is left of the outlet

Three severely burn fingers later... the attempt failed.

Tuesday - Suicide by spider bite

This is the spider she tried to make her friend

ok this isn't really the spider she tried to make her friend, but it looks just like it. True story, I went to take a picture of it... and it was gone, which means it is somewhere in my house... eck!

Wednesday - Suicide by cleaners

This is the toothbrush that I use to get gunck out of small crevasses i.e., the oven, sinks, etc.

I found this gross toothbrush in her mouth... she was so proud to be brushing her teeth all by herself.

Thursday - Suicide by Car

She ran into the middle of the street today pushing her baby-doll in the stroller. As I start to run after her a car turned the corner and she began to run faster away from me. By the screaming coming from her when I caught her, I could tell she was very disappointed that this attempt of suicide failed. I, on the other hand, am happy that she is still alive!

Now that you all think that I am a horrible mother... pray that tomorrow she doesn't try something more drastic.

1 comment:

Kateka said...

Geez Louise! What a little dare devil!